Gokceada Kitesurf
17762 Eşelek, Gökçeada, Turkey
Petko Peychinov
Tel. +359889999625
Emir +905432309854
Berke +905345720181
email: ppeychinov@gmail.com
Individual kitesurfing courses:
Basic kitesurfing course 6h. - 420 euros
Basic kitesurfing course 7h. - 490 euros
Individual lesson - 1 hour. - 70 euro
WingFoil course 6h - 380 euro
The RENT OF KITE EQUIPMENT set - 1/2 day - 80 euros.
Kite - 1/2 day - 60 euros
board - 1/2 day - 30 euros.
Harness - 1/2 day - 10 euros
neoprene -1/2 day - 5 euros
Kite equipment rental for the whole season 1000 euros - Come and ride an unlimited number of days this summer
1 week accommodation in a room of 200 euros for a double room
1 week accommodation in a hotel from 350 euros for a double room
1 week accommodation in Premium Hotel from 490 euros for a double room
Please contact us for more information
Full kitesurfing course
- Level 1 + 2 A FULL KITSURF COURSE is for everyone who wants to gain the most comprehensive skills possible and become completely independent kitesurfers. After mastering the basic skills of kite management, you will learn to start from the water, to move short distances, to control the speed of movement by edging the board and to move against the wind so that you can return to the place where you have started. You will learn everything you need to become an independent kitesurfer!
Course content:
- Management of a training kite on the beach - Basic theory - Preparation of equipment for a lesson in the water - Safety systems - Control of an inflatable kite in the water - Bodydrag and the ability to generate kite thrust - Straighten the board and make a short movement in both directions - Lifting and lowering the kite from the shore with an assistant - Self-rescue technique - Controlling the speed of movement by edging the board The price includes: - Kitesurf lesson with an experienced licensed instructor - The necessary equipment for the lesson (the equipment is Core Kiteboarding Bulgaria, Eleveight, Reedin and Flysurfer Bulgaria 2020)
The price does not include:
- Neoprene suit / rent (optional) - 5 euros per day
Kitesurfing Entry Level
Level 1
- Basic theory
- Management of a training kite on the beach
- Preparation of equipment for a lesson in the water
- Safety systems
Level 2
- Control of an inflatable kite in the water
- Bodydrag and the ability to generate kite thrust
- Straighten the board and make a short movement in both directions
- Lifting and lowering the kite from the shore with an assistant
- Self-rescue technique
- Controlling the speed of movement by edging the board
Advanced level - Level 3
6 hours 420 euros At the end of this program you will start making basic jumps, you will become a completely independent kiteboarder ready to conquer new destinations, different water conditions and wind strength!
Individual lesson
The individual lessons are designed for everyone who wants to perfect a specific trick or get acquainted with a new kitesurf spot. The course is fully consistent with the skills and expectations of the student.
The individual lesson lasts 1 hour. You have the opportunity to use your own or equipment for rent.
Course content:
The program of the course is tailored to the individual needs of the student - achieving the required level
The duration of each level is relative and depends on the individual's ability to absorb the material. In case the conditions were not favorable and you have not completed your course, you can finish the remaining classes the next time you come to the same school.
All instructors are certified and this is the only Bulgarian and internatinal school certified by the Turkish Federation.
Durata fiecărui nivel este relativă și depinde de abilitățile individuale de a absorbi materialul.
Cursuri individuale de KItsurf: