
Gökçeada - this is the largest island in Turkey, Canakkale province. Gökçeada has a territory of 279 square kilometers and is located opposite the Dardanelles. Gökçeada island is part of the Cittaslow - literally slow city.
Part of the network are only small towns in environmentally friendly areas, with high quality of life and preserved cultural traditions, specific environmentally friendly farming.
What to See in Gökçeada - picturesque road winds through the hills, olive groves and conifer forests, passing through ancient villages and leads to small beaches, beautiful bays and under the shade of century-old trees. Until 1923 the island was part of Greece, so there are many churches built alongside mosques later. The unique style of the Greeks can still be found in places that we recommend you not miss:
-Zeytinli (Zeitinli koy) - a small picturesque village with narrow cobbled streets. In the center of Zeytinli there are several small cafes known with its homemade custard and Malebi.
-mandelic (Bademli koy) - another small village situated on a hill in the northern part of Gökçeada. Again, small stone streets, stone houses and incredible scope view of the sea and the Greek island of Samothrace.
-Derekkyoy (Derekoy) - a strange place, the village has been abandoned, deserted streets seem strange and stone washing public since ancient times, though people return to this place.
-Tepekyoy (Tepekoy) - located in the northern part of the island in proximity to Gökçeada located on the volcano and the highest point on the island. Tepekyoy also a beautiful village with narrow cobbled streets and stone houses and great Greek resorant.
-Kalekyoy (Kalekoy) is located on the northeast of the island of Gökçeada against a Samothrace. Kalekyoy is a small harbor for fishing boats and yachts, has an outside market for souvenirs and numerous fish restaurants and cafes and klubpove to the promenade.
Adjacent to Kalekyoy is izgiga hill ostranki of a fortress and an exceptional view during sunset the island of Samothrace.
Gökçeada - center Gokceada center - an eclectic town with small shops, restaurants, bakeries, barber shops and an outdoor Sunday Market for fruits, vegetables, spices and various sundries. The center of Gökçeada is 6 km from pristanishtetoi 12 km from the beach Aydandzhak.
Gökçeada Island is located in the Aegean Sea at the Dardanelles. If you travel from Sofia or Plovdiv equally convenient to go through Greece - point Kapitan Petko Voyvoda (5 km from Svilengrad) or Kapitan Andreevo.
If you travel from the Black Sea natural choice is the border post of Malko Tarnovo.
If you have a company car or lease, transfer power of attorney in Turkish.
Changing money:
1 Turkish Lira (YTL) currently is trading around 0.62 Lev. In all banks can swap or EUR USD.
They use all major cards.
From Sofia and Plovdiv in Svilengrad is equally convenient to go through Kapitan Andreevo / Kapikule / Turkey or in Kapitan Petko Voyvoda / Ormenio / Greece distance is the same. Entry into Turkey in Kapikule exiting a highway
you must choose the direction Canakkale (Canakkale), pass on okolvrastnoto of Adrianople (Edirne).
The road is pretty much everywhere follow the signs to Canakkale (Canakkale).
Pass Uzunkupru (Uzunkopru), and in Kesan (Kesan) and Gelibolu (Gelibolu) near the Dardanelles. 2 km before Echeabat (Eceabat) has karstovishte circular, there is a detour to the small harbor Kabatepe (Kabatepe), you should turn right.
Kabatepe from boarding a ferry to Gökçeada (Gokceada).
If you're traveling in Greece - the border town of entry into Turkey Ipsala (Ipsala), follows Keshan (Kesan) and further the path is the same.
Echeabat was the last European city and is Canakkale on the Asian shore opposite him. It is linked by ferry every hour. You do not work there unless you want to see a copy of the Trojan horse first.
Schedule ferry to Gökçeada
to June 12, 2019:
-from Kabatepe of Gökçeada
9:00 7:00
13:00 11:00
17:00 15:00
21:00 19:00
from June 12, 2019
Monday - Thursday:
-from Kabatepe of Gökçeada
8:00 7:00
10:00 10:00
13:00 13:00
16:00 16:00
19:00 19:00
21:00 21:00
-from Kabatepe of Gökçeada - - Friday - Sunday
7:00 7:00
9:00 9:00
11:00 11:00
13:00 13:00
15:00 15:00
17:00 17:00
19:00 19:00
21:00 21:00
The fare was 35 turkish lira for the car. Tickets bought in a small building 20 meters before the ferry. The journey is about 1:30 minutes.
CONDITIONS FOR KITE and windsurfing:
In Gökçeada has 2 main spots for riding a kite and windsurfing - with equal water Aydincik beach with waves up to 1.5-2 m. Beach Eselek. Among them are shallow salt lake that dries up in summer. Active season - from May to October.
Spot with smooth water (offshore) -conditionally are perfect for advanced that osavarshenstvat tricks or working on speed from morning until 14:00 pm for beginners in the afternoon when the wind weakens. The bottom of the bay is sandy and absolutely safe.
It is customary to make kaysarfistite to leeward Windsurfers to avoid potential risks of leakage wing in the water.
Spot with waves (onshore) - conditions are suitable for windsurfers and kitesurfers of all levels who want to make waves. The bay is very large, sandy and absolutely safe for riders and equipment.
Secret spots (side shore) - in Gökçeada has several unique saydshor spots a little further away from the main places to ride where I can take you if you are looking for the unknown and ready for new challenges.
Downwind - can be organized at a distance over 15 kilometers.
Turkish cuisine is one of the most - diverse in the world. It is influenced by the East and the West. Mix of Arab, Mediterranean and typical Balkan cuisine. This variety has very deep roots - both geographically and historically.
Turkey lies on the crossroads between Europe, Asia and the Arabian Peninsula. Which allows many cultures to combine the characteristics of their national cuisines and to turn Turkey into one of the richest in the world.
Exotic flavors, spices, plenty of appetizers, rich salads, roasted and braised meats, pilaf, pastries and more order incomparable temptations are real paradise for the senses.
We offer a variety of homemade snacks and dinners. We can make and package price for our guests, but we recommend diversity and while on vacation to visit the many restaurants and restaurant on the island.